Thank you for Considering Us

Please Read Our Client Agreement Form Below
*(No need to print for signing as we will bring our own paper copy day of detail!)

Blue Palm Detailing  

Blue Palm Detailing, LLC seeks to provide the best detailing service experience. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for considering our services and point out some of the terms and conditions of our business practices.

Our Expectations

We require access to a water hose spigot for our detailing services unless discussed, inaccessible at the time of your appointment will be discussed and possibly result in a detail cancellation.
We ask for all personal belongings to be removed from the vehicle prior to your appointment (trash to us, may not be trash to you). Blue Palm Detailing, LLC is not responsible for the loss of personal items left inside the vehicle. Any items we may find will be placed in a plastic bag or visibly left inside your vehicle.
When we arrive at your home, please make sure to have all vehicles that will be leaving adjusted, so we don’t have to break down our setup to allow them to move. Please give an ample amount of space to perform our services.

Services Not Covered

♦ Removal of Seats from Vehicle                                                              
♦ Glove Box & Center Console Cleaning (Unless few items or emptied)
♦ Spare Tire Area (only lightly cleaned around)
♦ Removal and Cleaning of car seats (will be asked to be removed or cleaned around)
♦ Vehicle Undercarriage
♦ Truck bed tool chest

Customer Understanding

♦ We detail rain or shine!  However, we will need to reschedule or move appointment times for extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes, lighting, or high winds. Blue Palm Detailing, LLC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule in accordance with its staff levels, weather conditions, or equipment failure without penalty to the company. 
♦ If you need to cancel or reschedule, we ask for 48 hours in advance notice of your appointment so we can fill that time slot.
♦ No services offered are guaranteed to completely restore your vehicle to any previous or new condition. We will try our absolute best to restore the vehicle to the best condition possible and within the constraints of our resources, time, and expertise.
♦ We reserve the right to amend any price during the detailing should it differ from the original price. If we arrive and the previously mentioned conditions are not met, we reserve the right to reschedule the service at a later time/date that works for both parties. We charge by the vehicle's condition, the type of vehicle, and the customer's location.   
♦ We will conduct a final inspection together at the end of the service. If, during the final inspection, you are not satisfied with area(s) of the work, we will make every attempt to correct the work to your satisfaction.  If any work is found to be unsatisfactory after the technician has left, then you will have 72 hours from the service date to contact us and we will address your concern(s). Blue Palm Detailing, LLC will not be held liable for any concerns after 72 hours from job completion.  If you were not able to complete the final inspection with our technician, then you have 72 hours from the service completion date to contact us with your concerns.

Operating & Moving Your Vheicle

♦ Please make sure the keys to the vehicle are available to us. This document ensures that you authorize us to operate and to move your vehicle, as necessary to do so determined by our Detailer.

Payment & Fee Terms

♦ Blue Palm Detailing, LLC requires payment upon completion of the service in full on the day of the scheduled service.  If the client is not present, they will need to make arrangements to leave payment in cash, card, or an agreed payment method.
♦ Taxes and fees for our service are the agreed dollar amount, indicated as “Total Cost for all Services” on the service package order.  Escambia County details will have a .075% Sales Tax and in Santa Rosa .07% Sales tax, this will be calculated and added to each service including waxes or other protective films. Which does subject the entire charge to Florida Sales Tax following Florida Sales Tax Rule 12A-1.006.
 ♦ The amount of time reserved is an estimate since the condition of each vehicle varies. It is possible that the job could take less or more time than the time reserved. Blue Palm Detailing has the right to charge an extra dirty fee if the detail job takes significantly longer than expected at the discretion of Blue Palm Detailing LLC. Detailers will inform you of the possible fee before or during the detailing process.
Additional FEES (May apply once vehicle is reviewed on site) Ex: Pet hair, Extra dirty condition

Providing Feedback & Photos

♦ Blue Palm Detailing, LLC asks for your feedback. Please send us an email at ( and let us know if there are concerns – good or bad.  
♦ We carry the right at the discretion of Blue Palm Detailing, LLC to use pictures of your vehicle for marketing purposes and to publish them on any of our social media. Your personal information will not be shown in the photos.

By scheduling any service with Blue Palm Detailing you hereby agree to all terms listed in said agreement.
*(No need to print for signing as we will bring our own paper copy day of detail) :)  

12A-1.006 : Charges by Dealers Who Adjust, Apply, Alter, Install, Maintain, Remodel, or Repair Tangible Personal Property - Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register - FAC, FAR, eRulemaking  

Updated March 11, 2025